Australia's Best Funeral Transport Fleet
Our History Of Quality Transport
Nelson Bros has continuously maintained some of the finest vehicles in Australia and is recognised nationally for its funeral fleet.
Nelson Bros hearses are still constructed to our own personal design for both ease of use and to provide dignity and respect. Our magnificent historic 19th century horse-drawn hearse and 1926 Buick hearse have been painstakingly restored and are available upon request.

Today's Rolls Royce Fleet
Our current fleet of Rolls Royce cars is the finest in Australia. The fleet has been carefully selected to provide the very best service and efficiency available.
We have modern Rolls Royce hearses and stylish black Rolls Royce coaches for the deceased's family.
The latest addition to our fleet is the modern luxurious Rolls Royce Phantom saloon, the first of its kind in Australian funeral service. Nelson Bros provides unprecedented comfort and luxury for our families.
Whilst our vehicles have modernised over the years, the one thing about them that has never changed is their traditional colour, black.
Horse-Drawn Hearse
Nelson Bros original horse-drawn hearse is typical of the ones used by Nelson Bros from 1850s to the mid 1920s.
Pulled by two black horses, it would solemnly lead the funeral procession over rough, dusty or muddy roads to the cemetery. The funeral conductor, in top hat and tails, walked in front of the carriage.
Like many carriages of the time, this hearse has finely carved wooden features including plumage, an urn and drapery. It was built in the United Kingdom and first used in Ireland before the turn of the century. In 1993, Nelson Bros sponsored its restoration.
This hearse is still available for funerals on request.

1926 Buick Hearse
This original 1926 Buick hearse is typical of the ones used by Nelson Bros from the mid 1920s when motorised vehicles came into vogue.
As well as building coffins until as late as the 1970s, Nelson Bros also constructed our own hearses.
Hearses of this era matched the style of the horse-drawn hearses that preceded them. In the 1920s and 30s, many funerals would feature both motorised and horse-drawn hearses.
This hearse was painstakingly restored in the late 1990s and is available on request. It has original brass features, immaculate wood panelling and finely etched glass.
This hearse is available on request.